East Bay Therapist Community

A Gateway to a Connected Therapist Collective

Being a therapist is a journey that can sometimes feel lonely. But it doesn't have to be.

Navigating Solitary Spaces and Unspoken Burdens

As therapists, we often find ourselves in solitary spaces, behind closed doors, delving into the depths of others' most intimate experiences. We share in their joys and sorrows, yet the demands of our profession limit our ability to freely share these experiences with our cherished ones. We understand the unique struggles of our profession, from the rewarding moments to the heart-wrenching ones. The weight of loss, particularly when a client's journey takes a tragic turn, can be a burden carried alone, understood best by our fellow therapists.

The EBTC Mission to Connect and Support Therapists in the East Bay

At EBTC, we're more than just a therapist networking hub; we're a dream brought to life. Founded by Nes Pinar, a psychotherapist in private practice, who is passionate about uniting people to build meaningful communities, EBTC is a manifestation of years of dreaming and conversations with fellow therapists. It's a space where we jump into the depths of collective wisdom, leaning on each other for support and knowledge.

At EBTC, we invite you to join this collective endeavor to connect, grow, and support one another on our professional journeys. Together, we can transform the often isolating path of being a therapist into a rewarding and connected experience. Welcome to a dream fulfilled - welcome to EBTC.

Symbolic image of a well, person's finger touching water, creating ripples. Captures the essence of support for therapists, therapist collective, and therapist community—reflecting the timeless connection and vitality nurtured by EBTC.

Water & Life:

The Well as the Heart of our Therapist Community

The Well, a timeless emblem of Community, carries a profound significance, and it feels very fitting to what we hope to achieve through EBTC. 

In ancient eras, the Well held a dual essence—it stood as a symbolic representation and a physical epicenter of the Community. Water, the essence of life and sustenance, was drawn from this sacred source, nurturing and sustaining the community. Beyond its literal role, the Well symbolized the abundance of social resources crucial for the community's endurance and prosperity. Ailing or tainted, if the Well languished, so did the community, echoing the intimate link between their collective vitality and the well-being of this revered source. 

Image of a stone door and well, evoking a sense of support for therapists within a therapist collective and community. Symbolizing strength, connection, and the timeless foundation of EBTC's therapist community.

Join us around the Well

Becoming a part of EBTC is as simple as expressing your interest! There are multiple avenues through which you can join our vibrant community:

  • Join Our Email Listserv: Stay connected by becoming a member of our email listserv, ensuring you're among the first to know about our upcoming events and new offerings in the community and refer or get referred for prospective clients. Ask to join by clicking here!

  • Subscribe to Our Bi-Monthly Newsletter: Delve deeper into our community by subscribing to our newsletter. Get insights into our upcoming events, enriching your EBTC experience. Join by subscribing below!

  • Offer Your Expertise: Share your knowledge and insights by volunteering for a presentation or engaging in Q&A sessions, contributing to the collective growth of our community.

  • Rent Space for Group Sessions or Meetings: Enhance your involvement by utilizing our spaces for group therapy sessions or meetings you host. We offer free or reduced fees for non-profit endeavors.

  • Propose and Host Social/Events: Have a creative event or social gathering in mind? Let us know! We welcome your event ideas and are open to co-hosting with you.

  • Contribute to Our Blog: Share your expertise and thoughts on topics of interest by contributing to our blog, fostering valuable discussions within the community.

  • Share Resources: Spread the wealth of knowledge by sharing unique resources you're a part of or are familiar with through our channels. You can even leave physical brochures for others to discover.

Your journey with EBTC begins with your desire to connect and engage. Subscribe below! We eagerly await your involvement, and together, let's create a thriving community at EBTC! 

The longing for connection and belonging is instinctual, as essential as the requirement for air, sustenance, and water.